Saturday, 11 June 2016

Suffolk Life


  1. Emma is in the shed all the time?
    She must have been really naughty. But at least she spends her time in there well, drawing beautiful pictures of you. You travel a lot! I'm jealous.

    1. Yup. All the time. She hasn't got a bed in there but she might as well have. I hadn't realised it was because she'd been naughty! That is most interesting. I shall commence with some digging into her past.
      Or maybe I'll just go and bark in the garden for no particular reason.
      Love Plum xx

  2. Have a good vacation, Plum! And help Emma get out of the shed and into the fresh air. Clearly your assistance in that area is invaluable... I know Ellie would never get enough fresh air if it weren't for me.

    1. Thanks Giorgi.
      It was just a little break I think because we are going to Scotland soon. In Scotland I stand in the sea all day and Emma has to put special waxy stuff on my feet. And sometimes rubber bootees. Can you imagine?
      Love Plum xx

  3. Dear Plum,
    I really hope the weather is better than it is here. I will give you a tip: if it drizzles, go into the shed. Firstly, you won't get wet. And secondly, rain sounds quite lovely rattling on the roof of a shed. love, James

    1. Dear James,
      It was awful at first but then it got better. And then it got worse - as you will see in the next blog.
      Have you got a puppy yet?
      Love Plum xx

  4. Dear Plum, I can see why you both love it so much in Suffolk. I found running around in Dunwich woods fun and on the sandy beach at Walberswick. I wasn't too disappointed at not being allowed on the beach at Aldeburgh as the stones would hurt my paws. I bet you sleep well there. I'm exhausted but happy. Love Alf

    1. Dear Alf,
      It was very very nice to meet you. I'm sorry I was a bit rude. I don't know why I was. It might have been something to do with Liffey. If I'm ever stuck for a reason, I blame her.
      Lots of love Plum xx
