Friday, 4 March 2016

Goodbye To Treats


  1. Oh poor Plum...what a waste! These humans have no appreciation of our sophisticated palates...
    Still,at least you get lovely sniffs - my beach is ruthlessly hoovered by giant seagulls big enough to eat me (or Esther for that matter) so all I get are pebbles to chew. On the plus side though, our lovely pub re-opens at Easter and a quick tour of their tables is generally worth the effort of putting on the cute face...on the minus side, they've just got a PUPPY!!
    Why is life always such a challenge to our philosophical equilibrium??

    Fudge xx

    1. Dear Fudge,
      I like the way you think with such long words. My equilibrium is constantly challenged too. The new rules are terribly difficult to swallow. Ha. I haven't been allowed a single treat for a month. I never imagined life could be so drear. The only plus side is that the special diet food isn't bad and I am doing spectacularly perfect poos. Thought you'd like to know.
      Love Plum xx

  2. No drama queens in your family are there Plum! I'm sure Emma will relax her guard one day soon and you will be able to Hoover up a chip or banana peel soon.

    Love, Gracie's Mom

    1. Oh, Gracie. You must be joking. I heard her say something about a muzzle for when we go out. I suppose it might frighten the mugger dogs which would be a good thing, but I don't want to frighten everybody else, and apart from that - how on earth would I scoop up a snack?
      I met a rather rude marmalade cat today, by the way. He told me I wasn't as clever as I thought I was and pranced off. I was quite baffled and hurt.
      Love Plum xxx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You don't know how lucky you are, Plum! (Although Giorgi disagrees vehemently with me and completely agrees with you) Trust me, Emma is hardly thrilled to have to pry open your jaw in order to pull out a French fry! But we do what we have to do to take the very best case of our four-legged friends.

    Big belly scratch,

    1. That's just the kind of thing Emma would say. You might be right, Ellie, but it's undignified and embarrassing. I would never do such a thing to her. But I've never caught her hoovering up chicken legs in the park. Not yet, anyway. I will one day.
      Love Plum x

  5. This is so sweet Plum - you have to meet my cousin Cedar ( my name is Richard, both rather handsome black labs ) she is known as 'tummy on four legs' ...I feel for you.

    1. Thank you Richard. How nice to hear from you. I have rather a thing for black labradors. Especially handsome ones like you. Thank you for your understanding and sympathy.
      Love and xxx Plum

  6. Listen if you want to survive - did you know my Granny's dog came 1st in her class in Crufts. Love Guy Xx
