Monday, 20 July 2015

Scottish Activities


  1. Dear McPlum
    I haven't found any pine cones here but there are a lot of oyster shells which are also very good for throwing. They are a bit painful if they catch you first though but definitely good for spitting, especially if they've still got dead oyster inside them.
    Much love Fudge xxx
    Ps beware jellyfish!

    1. Dear McFudge,
      That sounds extremely dangerous but delicious. Jellyfish don't taste very nice at all. A bit like nettles. It is so windy here, my ears have been inside out all day and the wind is roaring down the chimneys - at least I think it's the wind. It's slightly scary.
      Love from Plum xxx

  2. Dear Pinecone Plum,

    I didn't know they had pine cones in England; I thought they just grew in my neighbourhood!

    My Mum puts out bowls of pinecones and other tasty bits at Christmas, and you are right; they are quite entertaining. (I also bit the bottom off a blown glass ornament, and You Wouldn't Have Believed The Drama when I wandered by with glass sticking out of my mouth!!)
    You are very lucky that Emma takes the time to throw them interestingly for you, and lets you catch them; my Mum yelled at me every time I took one out of a bowl to play with/ chew on, and spit out on the carpet.
    Emma is definitely a fun Mum, compared to my old misery guts Mum.
    Oh well, at least the old girl keeps me well supplied with treats and tummy rubs.

    Have a ball in Scotland! They do have balls there don't they?

    Love, Gracie

    1. Dear Glorious Gracie,
      I like those shiny glass balls too. (They don't have them in Scotland) I like to see how many I can knock off the tree. They are stupid though because they break so easily - not like pinecones which you can crunch and scatter all over the place. It seems that nobody minds if I crunch them outside but if I bring them in they go ballistic. How funny that your mom actually keeps them inside. I wish mine was as creative as yours. All she ever says is No Plum, No Plum, No Plum.

      Love Plum xx

  3. No Plum, is is no fun!
    My Mum keeps saying "What are you doing....that is NOT what good girls DO!! Apparently it is true that "Good Girls" have no fun at all.

    Meaghan is a good girl, and all she does is eat, sleep, and get tummy rubs.

    Love, Gracie
