Thursday, 16 October 2014

Rocket's Duck


  1. Now you are literary giant you can buy endless supply of squeeky toys?

    1. There is always SOMEONE who makes rules about everything and she thinks I have enough squeaky toys because they are all over the floor everywhere. She says.

  2. Dear Plum,
    I still say you can't beat a knotted sock.
    You were right to suggest last time that I have a dark side. Actually I have two, plus a dark back, dark ears, a bit of grey fur round my muzzle, and a brown stripe up my tail. Perhaps however you were referring to my character. It is true that I scream at dogs I don't know, but once we've been introduced I am the soul of loyalty. Just so you know what to expect should we meet.
    By the way, I think female cats are called queens. Don't be jealous now.
    love, Katie x

    1. Well, I hope we will meet one day. love Plum x

  3. James is right; we cats are all Queens! Our humans are our minions, and that's just how we like it!!

    Love, Queen Gracie ( and Meaghan)

    (Meaghan is a good girl with no illusions of grandeur.) Gracie's Mom

    1. Dear Your Majesty,
      I am even more impressed by you now.
      With love from your hum belt dog-friend, Plum
      PS I like the sound of Meaghan.

    2. My Mum said that Meaghan has the sweetest nature of any pet she has ever had, and she never gets into any trouble. So, in other words: Boring!! I prefer to life on the edge and test my Mums patience daily; I firmly believe it keeps her wits sharpened when she never knows what to expect from me.
      Also, now that we are good friends you don't have to call me by my official title, you can just call me Gracie the Great and I will call you Perfectly Plummy.

      Love, My Majesty Gracie

  4. So relate to sounds like Sophie's Brewster! He'd unstuff a duck with great gusto!
