Monday, 24 February 2014

Stink Bomb


  1. Dear Plum,
    Emma was right,if you roll in something "fragrant" you will have to pay the price. I hope you didn't bite Emma; nothing good can ever come from biting anybody. I learned that from bitter experience when my Mum trimmed my nails, I didn't get any treats and usually I get loads after my four footed pedicure. I hope Emma didn't use the hair dryer on you, I am convince that is the Devil's hand tool.

    Gracie (and Meaghan)

    1. Dear Gracie, Thank you for your concern. I didn't bite her that time. I quite like the hair dryer though. It gives me a funny feeling. But I prefer towels.I hope your are being nice to Meaghan.
      Love from Plum

  2. Dear Plum,
    There's a dead mole opposite the donkeys near us. Fine rolling material, if you're passing. love, Katie

    1. Oh, shhh! Emma has no idea I like things like that. Now she'll be watching me even more closely. Love Plum

  3. Dear Plum, I abhor baths, I love blow drying, I tolerate nail clipping with a grimace. I always bite when brushed or combed on my face. I find this program works for me, though it gets me nowhere.

    Love, Bea your secret admirer Maltese in NYC

    1. Dear Bea, How nice to hear from you. I so agree. People interfering with my face is one of my worst things. I like having things stuck in my beard - reminders of good meals and other things and it's nobody's business but my own. But nobody listens to anything I say. Love Plum

  4. you really have to be one of the funniest illustrators out there. We all shared it around over here. Love it. Had to laugh too at the doggy replies above. LOL.
