Saturday, 8 February 2014

Lovely Present


  1. My day is always so much better when it includes a post from Plum!

    1. Thank you very much for such a nice comment, Ellie.

  2. I feel your pain Plum and understand the futile desire to escape. I was minding my own business sleeping on our bed yesterday and my Mum decided I needed to wear her sports bra.(!?!) I am A CAT! My sport is power napping in the sun, it doesn't require any sort of special equipment. My new hobby will be plotting revenge for this humiliation.

    Gracie (and Meaghan)

    1. Dear Gracie, somehow that seems much worse than having to wear a coat. Are you SURE that's what it was? Sometimes some ladies garments can be a bit confusing. I think you should get rid of it as soon as possible. Love from Plum

    2. It was a sports bra all right; racer back and all. She keeps her lacey bras to put on my head; crimps the cups and informs me that I look like a little Dutch girl wearing a lace cap. I am so ashamed! Also, I think that there should be some sort of cat rescue organization for this sort of sartorial abuse.


  3. haha YAY for dog coats :) so adorable
