Sunday 13 October 2013

Sleepy Sundays


  1. Dear Plum,
    Why do people think we need more exercise than we do? Is it because we make their lives hell later in the day if we're not tired? This seems to me skewed logic. Try getting pulled out of a warm armchair and thrown down a rainy country track, or rather don't. It's not pleasant. love, Katie
    PS. Will you be posing with 'Alice Through the Looking Glass' shortly?

    1. I might and I might not. I'm hoping Emma will forget about doing promotions on my blog. She forgot to do Pinocchio. (Don't tell her...)
      Love Plum x

  2. Congratulations Plum; you may be part cat! The best part of sleeping on the bed is the warm spot where my Mum Cindy was, or snoozing while the sun is streaming in and toasting my fur. Pure Bliss!! I hope you get to sleep in the sunshine as well, it's one of life's great pleasures....That and tummy rubs.

    Love, Gracie

    1. Emma is always saying I am like a cat. I never know whether to be pleased or not. She usually says it when I can't decide which side of a door I want to be. I usually want to be on the other side.
      Love Plum x

  3. Plum, you are a girl after my own heart! I love sleeping in but rarely get to indulge that pleasure! I must say you sleep beautifully!

    1. Thank you very much Vicki. I practise whenever I can.

  4. Oh yes indeed. You tell 'em, Plum.

  5. Plum, this is so adorable. Emma captures your facial expressions so well.
    Love, Biff xxx

    1. Dear Biff. I am hoping they are similar to yours. My unknown twin.
      Love Plum xxx
