Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Personal Space


  1. Dear Plum,

    Take comfort in the fact that humans have the same problem... As much as we may love them, some friends will always be childlike. But I think this gives us balance. We can't all be serious all the time!

    Giorgi adds: Hi Plum! It's been my experience that the "nasty teeth-baring face" isn't always as effective as we hope it will be. Try turning the tables next time. Give Nanook a good smiley lick in the face. The results may surprise you!

    Ellie and Giorgi

    1. Dear Ellie and Giorgi,
      I am definitely going to try that next time, if I remember.
      It's good to know about humans being like dogs. I hate it when they are serious, unless it's the kind of serious that is about telling me how beautiful and adorable I am. Then I don't mind, as long as it doesn't go on for too long.
      Love Plum xx

  2. Dear Plum,
    What is the world coming to? It seems these days a girl can't take a leisurely walk through the Autumn colours without it all being construed the wrong way. It's a shame we aren't living in the age of Jane Austen. Then, I expect even for dogs it took 300-odd pages before anything much 'happened'. And not a great deal even then.
    love, James (see picture)

    1. Dear James,
      I'm not sure what you mean by 'anything much happened', but I have a feeling its something to do with sniffing bottoms. So I wish I'd lived in Jane Austen times, before anybody used to do that.
      I like your picture.
      Love Plum xx

  3. Scandalous behavior! Back in the day a lady would have given him a good poke with her Chantilly lace parasol.

    But with a name like Nanook.....this was bound to happen, dear.

    1. Too true! Now all I have is a blunt stick. But they can come in handy too. I'm afraid it's really all down to attitude though. I just haven't got the right one.
      Love Plum xx

  4. So today - a RhodesIan Ridgeback, about 20ft high and on MY beach. And there's me, flat on my back in my best all-weather serious mountaineering coat, waving my paws in the air to the vast amusement of too many seagulls with nothing better to do......there should be a law........ xx fudge

    1. There should be a law. Especially today, when I was flat on my back, legs waving in the air, being sniffed all over by a puppy. An enormous puppy. There's no respect any more.
      Deeply depressed, Plum xx

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