Tuesday, 2 April 2013


  1. As a dog, I feel for you Plum. I expect you'll cope better than me though. When James goes away, I sit at the window watching for him until it is dark and I couldn't see him even if he did come home. Then I sigh and go to bed. I don't recommend you try this.
    love, Katie (James's dog)

  2. Plum, you do make me laugh but that's the attitude and mine too, when my human goes on one of her supposed 'work' trips and leaves me behind. They think we doglets don't know what's going on when they lay out all their toys on the bed, but WE DO.

    Hope you have a good time with your Weezy dogmother
    and by the way, you looked BEAUTIFUL in your Easter bonnet.
    Much love/see you later alligator,

    Biff xxxx

  3. She will be happy to see you when she returns, Plum and you will be FINE without her too! She deserves a bit of sunshine after all the MUD we've had lately! Chin up!

  4. She is saying....'see if I care!'

  5. Which of course she does underneath...x

  6. Never mind Plum - it's bound to be hot & sticky where they are going & they will proably end up covered in mosquito bites & suffering from sunstroke & dysentry. That'll learn 'em. And I am certain you will have A Very Nice Time with your dogmother.
